MR Theme Parks Vs Physical Theme Parks

November 12, 2021

MR Theme Parks Vs Physical Theme Parks

When it comes to amusement parks, we all have our favorite rides and attractions. As technology continues to advance, the concept of theme parks is also evolving. With the introduction of Mixed Reality (MR) theme parks, visitors can now immerse themselves in an entirely different world that seemingly blends reality and fantasy.

While physical theme parks have been around for centuries, MR theme parks are relatively new to the scene, but they are growing in popularity. That said, let's dive into a factual comparison between MR theme parks and Physical theme parks.

What are MR Theme Parks?

MR theme parks use Mixed Reality technology to create an entirely new world, usually through headsets, providing an immersive experience for visitors. The technology tracks a user's movements and generates a 3D image of the surrounding environment with added elements of Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) to bring the virtual reality world to life.

Physical Theme Parks

On the other hand, physical theme parks have real-life rides, roller coasters, and themed attractions, usually based on characters from popular TV and movie franchises. When visiting physical theme parks, visitors can physically interact with the rides and attractions.


The cost of entry usually depends on the location, popularity, and size of the theme parks. Based on a recent survey, a typical one-day admission ticket to an MR theme park costs around $50 to $100, which is relatively cheaper than a one-day admission ticket to a physical theme park, which falls between $95 to $149.

Age Restrictions

Both MR and physical theme parks have age restrictions on certain rides and attractions to ensure visitors' safety. Different parks have different age restrictions based on the difficulty and intensity of the rides.


MR theme parks require top-of-the-line MR headsets, usually expensive but the only way to experience the magic. On the contrary, physical theme parks seldom require any special technology, making it more accessible to visitors with limited tech literacy.


Physical theme parks typically have a season that starts from late March through Labor Day, with some events extending until Halloween or Christmas. However, MR theme parks usually don't have a season as visitors can access the parks all year round.


While physical theme parks provide visitors with an excellent real-life experience, MR theme parks are innovative and offer visitors a totally immersive and futuristic experience. It's amazing to see technology evolve and bring something unique to our lives.

We hope this comparison helps you choose between visiting an MR or Physical theme park, whichever you choose; we're sure you'll have a fantastic time.


  1. The 2021 Theme Index and Museum Index: Global Attractions Attendance Report
  2. Mentions of MR Theme parks

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